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Take a look, it’s in a book! Happy World Book Day!

Sean Ryan

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

world book day

Take a look, it’s in a book! Happy World Book Day!

(Guest post by Morgan)


In these days of consuming information at lightening speed, there is no substitution for a good book. No matter what you are looking for, whether it be knowledge, growth or simple escapism, reading can get you ther


Walking into the bookstore has l

ong been one of my favorite pastimes. Sometimes it is with clear intent, on a mission to grab the latest best seller or on the hunt for a specific topic that I am curious about. Other times it is to simply peruse the shelves of all the different categories looking for something to jump out and say, “Here I am!” Nothing is better then sitting down when you get home and cracking the spine of a new book. Now with all the different delivery methods, it has become even easier to devour whatever topic you want.

Lately I have found myself listening intently to more audiobooks. I find that being able to combine a walk or relaxing bath while listening to someone read my latest pick is so therapeutic. Being able to escape into and alternate reality of fiction for just a little while. Embedding myself into the story, imagining the faces and places described by my favourite author.

Really taking in any form of publication keeps your mind healthy, sharp and young. Knowledge is power, so take the time to research topics that interest you and people who inspire you. We often challenge people to challenge their own thinking…books are magical at opening our minds to different points of view. They enable us to grow both personally and professionally by seeing the world through the viewpoints of others.

I asked some of the team here at WhiteWater International Consulting Inc. to recommend what is on their reading list. While, of course, Get In Gear: The Seven Gears that Drive Strategy to Results by our own CEO Sean Ryan was on the top of all of their lists – Yeah, guess we all like keeping our jobs  -- here are a few more picks from each of them:

Tracey’s Picks

· Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes

· How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

· Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut

Tenice’s Picks

· The 5AM Club, Robin Sharma

· Likeonomics, Rohit Bhargava

· Fly Into the Wind, by Lt. Colonel Dan Rooney

Morgan’s Picks

· Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms, Tim Tebow

· Redefining Realistic, Heather Moyse

· Absolute Power, David Baldacci

Sean’s Picks

· Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harris

· The Dilbert Principle, Scott Adams

So go ahead grab your favorite book, scroll through your e-reader, or press play on your choice of audiobooks and enjoy World Book Day!


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